Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Exhibiting again! and my dad thinks it's a scam

My work is in a gallery in Budapest and my dad thinks it's a scam. I am definitely a person who has my doubts about everything, but I believe I have enough street smarts to not get screwed. I guess I can credit my negative outlook from my parents. No matter what happens, good or bad, my dad believes someone is trying to screw us. I have been raised in a negative environment with a positive outlook. We made the best of everything, hoping for the best, expecting the worst. This time, I was right, it's not a scam. Proof of my photo hanging in the gallery in Budapest:

This outlook is definitely understandable since my family came from a communist environment where jews were complete outcasts. My mother wanted to be a doctor. She was rejected and and had to work on building architecture instead. I was born jewish, not knowing what that really meant. Is it a bloodline? a culture? a religion? race? I'm so confused. All i know is that because of my semi religious, cultural, atheistic upbringing, I was certainly confused and at the most uneducated about the whole religion thing. Probably most people believe in religion or some sort of higher power. It's how they explain their reason of being; why they are here, an explanation for their existance.

How can we really trust people? How can we see them for who there are and truly appreciate that? What are the qualities worth being appreciated? What are the ideas worth believing?  What if it is something other than what we believe, something we have not been taught or been taught to be against? We need to look outside of our own beliefs to truly understand and appreciate other ideas. We need to weigh their possibilities, look at the facts.

What is it that religion teaches? I wouldn't know, but if I could imagine a God, he/she/it would be an understanding being. After all, it created us and gave us the free will we possess to believe and follow what we want. Free will is something most creatures have, unless you're a plant, then that's out. Everyone has a choice. A person creates their own destiny by making decisions based on other decisions and so on.

How can i possibly really understand one's situation or how they think?  It's how they were raised. They are but small little sponges born to a family they are genetically tied to. They could turn out lazy, but it would be their parents fault. Their excuses would be benign, useless, not valid of real cause. They are just lazy and unmotivated. Exhausted by the norm and what is expected of them, which is nothing.

The lower class could really rise up if they were more cognizant of what was important. Living off the land, growing food, utilizing energy, not wasting money on their motorized vehicles. Actually taking from the land naturally rather than raping it for oil and natural resources. Instead, the working class is too worked out to do anything else. Too under paid to give a fuck anymore. Too tired to really care about any of that shit anyway.

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