The movie starts off in a post-apocalyptic world where the earth is frozen and the only survivors are people aboard a constant moving train around the world. I quickly realize that this train is very reminiscent of the titanic. Poor asses in the back and rich fucks in the front. It's the eternal caste system where everything should be in it's proper place.
The only problem is, who belongs in what place? The people with the money belong in the bet place, of course. Just because people have more money, it gives them a better ticket onto the train, plane, first class seating in life. With that ticket comes a price of other peoples' misfortune. Some people have to live in complete shit and suffering in order for Muffy to have her sauna, lobster, and nails done. She doesn't care that people are eating each other just to survive on the same moving vessel as them.
In this movie, They mark their year by crossing a very dangerous bridge that is completely ice covered. They all know that they may not make it through the passage, so they accept their fate, whatever it may be. They celebrate all the major holidays as points on the map. It seems humans are adaptable, even in their chaos.
The story is captivating because there are so many questions, but as you have all of these questions, there is constant action and battle going on. It's a siege, a revolution, and the leader must sacrifice everything to make it to the front of the train, to the eternal engine.
There are so many philosophical references in this movie and also centuries of human behaviors from the past, even though this takes place in the future. It questions the moral value, loyalty, and devotion. The story also has a lot of conflicting topics that would define a lot of the people's characters.
We are all on this earth and instead of looking out for each other, we trample one another. We do whatever is necessary to get to the top, to get that power, money, greed high. The rich know there are less fortunate out there and still taking until they possess as much as possible.
I wonder how they sleep at night, on their 1 million count sheets, warm and cozy while so many millions suffer. How can they not help? How can greed be so powerful that you turn you back on the planet? on your fellow man?
We are done as a race. It's basically every man for himself. The people at the top feel like entitled assholes that think they can control the world. Make the people dumb and fat. Get them addicted to pain medication and antidepressants. They'll do it, they'll listen because they don't want to sacrifice their McDonalds and reality tv. Good job human race. YOU SUCK.
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